Our Philosophy

Underpinning our approach to executive support and all our client work are 4 essential foundations – the ability to Get it Right, Get it Done, Get it Across and Get Along

Get It Right

How do you ensure you have the expertise, problem solving and creativity to be a successful Executive? 

You may have unquestionable technical skills but feel uncomfortable having the tough conversations or giving strategic advice. Perhaps you have created a compelling vision for your organisation, but have yet to effectively cascade the vision throughout your business. “Get it Right” helps you identify your strengths and the gaps that are holding you and your organisation back.

Get It Done

How do you ensure you have the individual, team and organisational drive and the delivery capability required to succeed?

From the ability to complete tasks and meet deadlines, to being able to prioritise and delegate appropriately. From being able to identify business opportunities and operate commercially, to being results and outcome driven.  Strength in “Getting it Done” empowers you as an individual to reach your potential as a leader, and you as an organisation to succeed.

Get It Across

How do you ensure you have the ability and assertiveness required to influence outcomes?

Being an effective persuader is essential for successful leaders, from managing stakeholder relationships to motivating and inspiring staff.  For teams and organisations, effective communication internally and with customers is essential for success. 

Senior Executives who master “Get It Across” find their ability to lead is greatly accelerated. High performing teams and organisations always master this component.

Get Along

How do you ensure you have the flexibility, adaptability and resilience needed to be a successful Executive?

Being highly resilient to conflict, pressure and deadlines, yet able to strengthen peer relationships and network effectively. Embedding a team and organisation wide culture that truly focusses on helping your clients and fosters deep trust. “Getting Along” encompasses a crucial set of skills needed to be a strong leader, effective team and powerful organisation.


Getting It Right, Getting It Done, Getting It Across and Getting Along – the NCA Foundations - underpin all our work.  Through these foundations we help you identify and build on your strengths, and identify and address any gaps. 

We can help you.  Take your first step today by calling Roger or Jack.


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