Reflections on 2012 and Challenges for 2013

During the course of the last 12 months Jack and I have run numerous workshop and coaching sessions with Executives from a variety of sectors and different sized organisations. However over the Christmas break it came to mind that there were a few recurring themes that impacted many organisations: the challenge to improve meeting quality, the overwhelming demands of email, and the desire for more understanding and interaction at a personal level with peers.

In the case of meetings, the cry was ‘too many meetings’ and ‘too many ineffective meetings’. Often missing were the fundamentals about preparation and conduct of meetings, clarity over the purpose of the meetings (e.g. confusing strategic topics with tactical topics), wrong membership and an unwillingness to break meeting habits and make changes. So challenge #1 for 2013 is to review the meetings you control, make a difference in their conduct, and make sure they add more value.

Overwhelming email is an affliction known to many of us. Heard the comment “I get 300 emails a day” used too often; almost a badge of honour for some. Some of the obvious solutions of testing whether an email is really needed in the first place, picking up the phone and/or talking face to face then confirming agreement by email, no BCC, no ‘Reply All’ emails etc were picked up by some with good results. Plenty of other techniques to be applied here as well. Challenge #2: can you do something to reduce the volumes of emails you get involved in?

Finally, and interlinked with the above topics, the desire for more genuine interaction with and understanding of the people you work with. For example, many workshop sessions at Executive levels necessarily included a segment on ‘What I bring to this team, my skills and experiences to leverage, what I need from others to succeed and how best to engage with me’. Fundamental information that had been lost in the busy-ness of the working life. Challenge #3 – share this information with the key people in your work life and seek the same information from them. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover and the positive impact that shared information has.

If you take up these challenges and make a difference, why not share the details here with the 900 other people in this LinkedIn group from across the globe? Clues to overcoming the issues above would be welcomed by many.

Trust you have a great 2013.

Read more and comment at the Norton Crumlin Network LinkedIn Group

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"I can't begin to thank you Roger on what a wonderful and much needed energy, level playing field and organisation you brought to this process. I greatly admire and appreciate it. I look forward to having a recap and maybe a follow up to solidify the documentation and keep moving this forward."

“This new network is integral to the future of PwC in this region…. after months of intense study and engagement with stakeholders, senior leaders at PwC determined organisational strategy and priorities with the overarching goal of delivering greater value to our clients, people, and communities”.



“…expertise in working with executives and senior managers to build capability and drive strategy and change through complex organisations.”



 “Roger is an excellent facilitator. He is skilled at building rapport and trust with participants at different levels of the organisation…, rapidly assimilates technical information and organisational context/culture”

“… particular expertise in designing, developing and facilitating strategy, planning, organisational development and change processes and workshops – at the Executive level and across multiple tiers of an organisation.”


“… excellent to work with... ”



“actively listens to what the customer wants and works with you as a partner to achieve the result that you are aiming for.”



"His style is flexible, subtle and engaging.”

"Thank you very much for your assistance this week. From my perspective the workshop was a great success and an important "first step". I have only received positive feedback. In fact, one of our partners (with 40 years experience in professional services) told me it was the best program of this type he has ever been to.”

"Firstly, many thanks for your time last week, I appreciated the candour with which I can speak with you both. I believe the opportunity to work with you will certainly help with this somewhat unique situation and in my own personal development.”

"Again thanks for your fantastic expertise in this endeavour, I doubt very much that we would have achieved so much quality material in such a short time without your input and tremendous ability to not only hear words but understand meanings."

"I had my last session with Jack Crumlin today as part of the DAP on-boarding. I can’t tell you how helpful he has been to me as I have learnt to navigate EY. He has been superb in making me aware of, and focusing my development needs and then providing great frameworks to help me move forward. And I have loved his pragmatic insight on how this place really works.

Not sure how much we pay him, but it’s been invaluable for me. Thank you"

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